
Mural of Adam's Morgan and Dupont

This mural depicts two adjacent DC neighborhoods. It was commissioned for the office of Federal Title Insurance Co. Images used for inspiration came from my walkabout journey, on which I took numerous photographs and looked for highlights to feature. I love the vibrance of Adam's Morgan and the bustling streets of Dupont.

Mural of U Street

This mural was also commissioned by Federal Title Insurance Co. I followed the same process for this piece in terms of gathering images, but also added the visual of an annual parade that U Street hosts (see dragon). U Street is known for its lively music scene.

Mural of Asheville, NC

Above is a mural of Asheville, North Carolina. The Flying Nun and Silver Drummer Girl are prominent features of the town. I include a tiny cameo of myself, positioned painting on the steps of one of the featured buildings. This image is two separate panels pushed together. There exists a third, unpublished panel.

Aerial View of Maine Wedding

This image depicts a bird's eye view of a couple's wedding scene and the surrounding area, both land and sea.